Farewell: Jonathan and Fuel Scarcity

No car owner, commuters will ever forget Jonathan Administration, not for anything but constant fuel scarcity which is mainly to enrich filling stations owners as well people in the mogul oil Business at the expense of the poor masses. Other previous dispensation also witnessed fuel scarcity crises but not up to this magnitude.

It is my wish that frequent fuel scarcity will follow Goodluck Ebele Jonathan back to Otuoke where he came from and let Nigeria be. Imagine, a president who is from the minority tribe where we have oil could not only end fuel scarcity but further plunged Nigeria into various crises.
I refuse to comment about Gen. Muhammad Buhari administration which is yet to start but I can assure you if he fails to put smile on Nigerian faces, we will wage media war against him to show him that all eyes are on him.

As for Mr Jonathan, a good man, philanthropist, a failed leader who allowed people to take is gentility for stupidity a good time in Otuoke , Bayelsa where I learnt he’ll retire to.
But as far as am concerned, I bought my first car during Goodluck Jonathan acting tenure and bought the second one few months before its departure as full fledge president signifying he didn’t really do bad but he was blindfolded from doing the right thing.
I wish him Goodluck as his name signifies.

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