“I knew I will be a Doctor from Primary school”- Benjamin Olowojebutu

…Love is the greatest currency we spend, money is a perception

Dr. Benjamin Oluwatosin Olowojebutu, a practicing medical doctor based in Lagos has done over 4000 free Surgeries in 13 states in Nigeria in the last few years. The founder of Twinex Medical Centre and Benjamin Olowojebutu Foundation, (BOF) talks about his medical journey in this interview with our associate editor, Mayowa Osinkanmi and our staff writer, Adeniyi Sunday. (Excerpts)

Sparklight News: Medical Doctors in Nigeria are poorly paid, yet, you decided to be doing free surgeries all over Nigeria. How wise is that decision?

Olowojebutu: Wow! I am full of gratitude. It’s exactly four years today I was involved in a ghastly accident with multiple fracture of my right femur. So on this fateful day at 10.30 pm,exactly 4th November 2016 on my way home just 5mins from my house, this drunken driver hit me hard, it was head on collision. It was a bad day. I had just buried my dad two months prior to this sad day. Before his death, his final words were, “A good man will have good money but not all rich men are good men. To be a good man you must give back to the community consciously”. After the accident, I was rushed to a teaching hospital in Lagos by onlookers and my wife. On getting there, i didn’t want to inform the medical personnel that I am a doctor. My wife approached them and they said no bed. They left me outside for two hours, no analgesics ,no vital signs. They were writing a referral letter without even seeing my face. My wife saw that life was about going out of me so she decided to type on the WhatsApp group of my classmates.

Benjamin Olowojebutu

Then help came. The CMD was informed and I was given a bed on the floor. Wow, a doctor being treated like this? What happens to a common indigent folks that doesn’t know anyone. Then the words of my mentor and father came alive in me. I must give back to the community. I didn’t die for a reason because there is a purpose. God told me to turn my pain into passion.

That is the reason behind Benjamin Olowojebutu Foundation #touchingliveseverywhere. I’m very grateful to God for keeping me alive even though i walk with a cane now. I am eternally grateful. I and my team are determined to change the healthcare space using love. My wife Pam Olowo and my two Kids, I appreciate your love and care. To my mother, siblings and aunties I celebrate you. To my classmates Medilag End of Discussion Class. I owe my living today to you all .Gracias.

Sparklight News: Can you recollect in total the number of free surgeries you have done for people in need?

Olowojebutu: We have done over 4000 free Surgeries in 13 states in Nigeria

Sparklight News: Your medical philanthropy is BOF. What is the goal of the foundation?

Olowojebutu: To transform the health of indigent people in West Africa giving hope and new opportunities.

Sparklight News: Are you going to be doing free surgeries for life?

Yes sir it our dream and desire 

Sparklight News: How do you raise funds to go about free surgeries and materials needed for its success?

Olowojebutu: I run a private hospital called Twinex Medical Centre. 80% of our income goes into the foundation and then our Friends and Families support us too. Few good individuals also love what we are doing and are supporting us now

Sparklight News: How were you able to bring together your medical team considering it is more of a volunteering project?

Olowojebutu: Love is the greatest currency we spend, money is a perception. Our team loves the vision and understands humanity so it’s easy for them to be part of the team

Sparklight News: Are you expecting government or international bodies support or partnership?

Olowojebutu: We are hoping government and international bodies will support us so we make more impact on the lives of more people.

Sparklight News: Away from medicine, how do you create time for your family?

Olowojebutu: We try to spend Weekends together when I’m in town. My kids and wife watch Arsenal matches with me and enjoy the weekend together.

We also read books together 

Sparklight News: Can you remember any unforgettable experience while growing up?

Olowojebutu: My friend in Primary school had an injury on the field and he was bleeding I was crying and went straight to him to help him. That was the day I knew I was called to be a Doctor

Sparklight News: What kind of person is Olowojebutu back in School days? Womaniser? Socialite?


Olowojebutu: Leader and Change Agent. I was the SUG president of the College of Medicine University of Lagos and was involved in repairing the dilapidated roads in the school of over 25 years. We made massive impact. To God alone be all the glory.

Sparklight News:  I am sure it is not only a syringe you know how to carry. How do you unwind?

Olowojebutu: I love playing video games and also watch Arsenal matches.  I also love to dance too.

Sparklight News: Do you have any greatest regret?

Olowojebutu: None so far.

Sparklightnews:  Do you intend going into politics later in life?

Olowojebutu: Yes I call it Responsible leadership as politics in Africa has been misused 

Sparklight News:   What should we be expecting from BOF in the next five years?

Olowojebutu: Hopefully another 10000 free surgeries outside Nigeria.

Sparklight News: General Advice

Olowojebutu: As young people, we should not only magnify the product but enjoy the process and learn from it. Results always commands respect

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