With grace and boldness, every woman could actually toss political correctness and every other challenge in order for her to be able to appreciate her femaleness. There is a dire need for a truce between the genders.

Yes, it is going to be a whole lot of work for society builders, because in the process of making the people understand the urgent need for them to disregard the glitch that they have incorporated over the years, with regards to what the power of femininity really entails.

In the past, especially in Africa, the power of femininity lay emphasis on what a woman can do with her body; mostly she can be favoured in return. What was highly ranked as being chief among that was “Bottom Power”. That is, the ability of a woman to use her sexuality to get what she wants. In this case, most women considered this as feminine power. But just like the world famous author, Chimamanda Adichie said, bottom power is no power at all. Have you ever asked yourself how you will constantly live your life in tapping from other people’s power when in the real sense, you can as well work to acquire the power? What if the person from whom you tap your power dies? No wonder, once a lot of women lose their husbands, they become almost useless.

Come to think of it, the society has set us at loggerheads with each other. We were made to understand that, for us to display or be assured of the power of being a woman, we should see ourselves as competitors. Well, if it was for achievements or progress, I will be very pleased. Rather, it is for the attention of men. In this matter, women try to show their power by going to eliminate any other woman who they see as their competitors when it comes to men. Come to think of it, how many men do you see fighting their fellow men for women? It is so disheartening and absurd to see women disgracing their fellow women because of men. Are you not pained to see that it is only a woman that is not even married to a man that will warn another woman to steer clear from ‘their’ men? Whoever gave women the impression that they are entitled to men actually did a terrible work.

How do you feel as a woman when all you think about is how to mistreat others around you? You think the only way to display your superiority is by making those under you to suffer. You are so insecure that you feel if you treat them as humans, they will ride on you. Let me make this clear, being tyrannical as a woman has nothing to do with feminine power. When people are forced into obeying you, do not gloat, for such obedience is not worth celebrating.

The aim is to make us understand what the ideal power of femininity entails. The power of femininity is embedded in charity, boldness, the ability to accept that all humans are equal, even if the society says otherwise. The power of femininity lies in the ability to build a home, hence the society. Being submissive to constituted authority is not weakness, and being unruly as a woman is not strength. A lot of women give some unreasonable excuses as to why they have to be stubborn. Let me be plain to you, being heady as a woman is one of the easiest ways to make people undermine your person. Therefore, let us as women showcase the great virtue in us which is also the power of our femaleness.

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