By Faith Uchara

According to World Vision, a humanitarian organization committed to reducing preventable deaths of children under five, through advocacy and awareness, more than 30 children under the age of five die in every two minutes. Most of them succumb to preventable diseases and causes, such as diarrhoea, pneumonia, childbirth complications and malaria. It then means that, in twenty-four hours, the total number exceed 22,000. World Vision works to empower communities to know and speak up for their rights at local, national and international levels. In situations where such community-led advocacy is not possible, World Vision takes the voices of those living in poverty to those decision-makers who have the power to change unjust policies and practices.

As society builders, we are committed to making the world better than we met it, and that is why we consistently work and strive, relentlessly, to have a world of happier women, men and children who have equal opportunities, and who, without prejudice, will attain their full humanities.

We live in a vastly cruel world, but we need to make a difference. Yes, there is nothing as ‘equality’ in the real sense. That is because life, as it is now, is the survival of the fittest and the elimination of the weak. So, ‘the fittest’ always have a way of eliminating the weak. Yet, we all live in the same planet and it is necessary for us all to strive in order to survive.

Now, how do we achieve a FAIRER WORLD? Or, can we even have such a world? A world where men and women are true at themselves. Where those wallowing in abject poverty, lack of basic necessities of life, and are endangered, can be given the opportunity others have.

It is possible. But the problem is, we neglect our crucial responsibility. We often think that we need to attain a height before we can help others or be a voice to others. But we quickly forget that little efforts go a long way to helping people. A little SMILE can make a depressed soul feel lightened. A little encouragement can make one who is about to give up reconsider living. Being a shoulder for one to lean on, is quite essential.

It is pivotal for us, all to always strive to give our little best. Do not withhold anything due to sentiments. Yes, that person may not be related to you, or may not even appreciate you in the long run. But that should not deter you.

Nelson Henderson once said that ‘the true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit’. It therefore means that, one should always do good, and not expect anything in return. If we have this basic understanding, we will build a better world for all to dwell in. Then, we would have said that we have built A FAIRER WORLD.

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