…My first major TV role was in 2002 with Wale Adenuga production Super story TV serial “last honor”
Jide Awobona is a Nollywood actor and a graduate of Mass Communication at the Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye who became more popular through the role of “Sam” in Jenifa’s diary. In this Interview with our Editor, AAT, he talks about his career and other sundry issues. (Excerpt)
Sparklight News: Why did you take a career in acting when others were opting for Medicine, Law, pharmacy and others?
Jide Awobona: Talking about my career, I want to take it back to when I was growing up.My father wanted me to be a pharmacist but couldn’t achieve that because the criteria for being in the science class was to do excellently well in some particular subjects like mathematics, which wasn’t my stronghold so I got denied from entering science class and I became a commercial student. Part of me still saw myself as part of the medical profession, as a surgeon, medical doctor or nurse but as we all know, it didn’t work out. I actually studied Mass Communication at the Olabisi Olabanjo University. Before I got admission, I had already started acting at “Jovis perfection”, a training School in Surulere, Lagos where we were being trained on how to act and present because the training center was affiliated with an NGO (Global Association for War against AIDS) where we were tasked to sensitize and inform secondary school students about HIV/AIDS. We did a lot of projects like movies, magazines and presentations in English or Yoruba that we take to schools to show students and parents’ while someone interprets. That was how the journey started for me before gaining admission to study mass communication. All though,I majored in advertising but getting a job in Nigeria today is not easy. After school, I tried securing a job in some advertising agencies which didn’t happen so I stuck to my acting career.

Sparklight News: What was your first movie role and how you were able to get the role?
Jide Awobona: My first major TV role was in 2002 with Wale Adenuga production Super story TV serial “last honor. Back then, after trainings, we normally go for auditions but I never really had the opportunity to go out because I was really young but I got this particular audition notice and I decided to try it because everyone loved super story and I wanted to be part of it. Unknowingly to me, I did not know that was how the journey was going to start for me and I went for the audition,only to learnt it had been postponed which was really a communication issue, I didn’t get the notice because I had no phone. My father consoled me when I got back home that day. When I later went back for the rescheduled audition at Wale Adenuga Production new office at Charity bus stop in Oshodi, I got auditioned and I made the role. You won’t believe I got one of the major roles in the production; I played the role of “Michael” in the TV production. This happened before I got admission. Shortly after that, my admission clicked and I went to school. During holidays or anytime there was strike, I do go to different locations for production, since then there was no year I didn’t feature in a film or do anything related to acting.
Sparklight News: You made mention of your father encouraging you, does that mean he supported your acting career?
Jide Awobona: Yes, I say this all the time. My parents are actually my number one fan because they support me 100 percent, sometimes I read scripts with my father and we rehearse together but I can say this categorically that they love me do what I do. There was a day my father came to see me at a “Super Story” location. That was the first time I left home for two to three weeks and I felt embarrassed because there were other people whose parents didn’t come to see them, but I felt the support he gave to me even till now. Till today, I share my content with them, my mother is always asking about my latest movie and they watch me like a fan would do. Sometimes, they also take some things personal especially my dad who tries to advise me and I’m like, no daddy it was just a film.

Sparklight News: Many believed you came to limelight with the role of “Sam” in “Jenifer’s diary”. Was there any time at the beginning that you felt like giving up that dream of becoming a star?
Jide Awobona: Well, like I used to tell people that a lot of things are not right in this country. A lot of sectors are suffering from different issues and the film industry is not left out. Acting is the type of career where sometimes you will be very buoyant or broke and I want to attribute that to our level of remuneration compared to our colleagues in other parts of the world. There are some movies gigs you do in other parts of the world and you’re already set up for the year unlike here where you have to feature in a couple of movies before you can actually smile to the bank and live up to expectations. The demands are really high over here as many people believe that as an actor, you need to be very comfortable, live in high rise buildings, drive an exotic car, dressing smashing, looking good all the time and when people come to you for help you should be willing to give them at any particular time without you squeezing your face or saying no to them but then it’s not. Sometimes, you can be called for a job today and let’s say the person pays 500k for a job and the person wants to call you again because of the relationship already established,they price you lesser.They even think because you’re now a friend with them, they expect you to do it for free.
Sparklight News: Do you agree the role of Sam brought you to the limelight?
Jide Awobona: When people say guy you’re a star, I’m like,am I a star yet? I still question myself and I still try to find the act to see myself there. I think that’s just the humble part of me because what are the expectations of a star or celebrity, do I have everything? Talking about Jenifer’s diary is one project I cannot forget in my career because anywhere I go to in this part of the world, they mention Jennifer’s diary and a larger percentage of my fans are from Jennifa’s diary, I’m not writing off any project that I’ve done like super story, champions of our time, tinsel and some other movies but when Jennifer’s diary came and because of how strong the series is,you cannot write out the fact that I got a lot of fans from there.
Sparklight News: Rumor has it that you’re also an entrepreneur aside being an actor so what other business do you do?
Jide Awobona: This career is a very selfish profession that actually makes it difficult for you to do other things because it requires all your time. I’m a very industrious person, I like to do many things even when I was in secondary school, I used to do petty businesses, even in higher institution.I do sell clothes and other things but then most of this businesses survived because as my career was going, it began to take my time and I wasn’t giving enough attention to all this.There was even a time i opened a saloon that I had to close down after two years because my clothing line business couldn’t forge ahead. This was as a result of my tailors messing things up for me. There was a business I started last year and Covid 19 tried to kill it but I will not agree, this one has to do with gifts items and things like that and this is December and I’m still trying to do that with all the support. Another thing is people are not trustworthy and there was a guy I employed to handle part of the business for me, then he was diverting my own clients and customers to his own business so I just said to myself, I will handle this when I have time I do it.My new business is called Souvenir by Jyd and we handle souvenirs for parties, events and all that, we handle gift for people, friends, family and during the season we help you deliver it, so that one is still there.
Sparklight News: Do you deliver them yourself?
Jide Awobona: Yes but not all. There are different categories of souvenirs by Jyd and we also have different types of package but for premium, I do the delivery myself.
Sparklight News: You got married in 2019, how did you meet your wife?
Jide Awobona: I don’t really want to talk about; I like to keep family issues private.
Sparklight News: Any fondly memories while growing up?
Jide Awobona: Well there are various fondly memories but the truth is I grew up in a hard way.
Sparklight News: How do you have time for your family despite the nature of your job?
Jide Awobona: I don’t really joke with my family. I enjoyed being with my family when I am not on set. I am into family and I spend time with my family when not working.
Sparklight News: Challenges as an actor?
Jide Awobona: I have mentioned some of them but summarily, remuneration challenges and privacy challenges. This should be worked on.
Sparklight News: What is your relationship with the theatre association?
Jide Awobona: Although, I am a freelance actor so I wouldn’t want to say much but I think we need to get our structure right. We have AGN, TAMPMAN etc. There should be regulation and at the same time we shouldn’t be selfish. This is very essential.
Sparklight News: Are you coming out with any significant project soon?
Jide Awobona: Yes, I am coming out with a new movie soon,” Clincher”.
Sparklight News: Memories to share?
Jide Awobona: When I was in School in SS2, there was a day we weren’t meant to have our English teacher but he came. A lot of my class mates didn’t go to school with their notes and I was in that same category too.So, the teacher was punishing everyone and when it got to my turn, I was always running to the back till I got to the last roll. The man said, young man, what is your problem?” I was running around the class till he told the big boys in the class to carry me. As small as I was, this man really dealt with me and I ended up getting more strokes than the others.
Sparklight News: Where do you see yourself in the next ten years?
Jide Awobona: Well, in ten years to now, I see myself as a great man and actor. I also see myself as a big director and a big time celebrity.
Sparklight News: Advice to the Government, Fellow Actress and Upcoming artiste?
Jide Awobona: To the government, I want to plead that they see beyond material things and make the country better. Let us have a country where nobody needs to run away for survival or pay through their nose to get visa. Let us not forget how we got independence and also that nothing last forever. Government should do the things that they want to be remembered for and if you find yourself as a leader, remember you are there to serve.
To my colleagues, let us not bite more than we can chew. We all know how the industry is yet we shouldn’t do anything that we will regret in future. We should learn to practice what we preach. I know it will be very difficult but yet, it will do us a lot of good because our movies and content are actually preaching morals and we shouldn’t do otherwise.
Upcoming Artiste
I would say, be sure of what you want for yourself. Whatever you want to do, just package it well, give it your best and I will say education is key because it will always give you leverage over others that didn’t. Learn to know your strength and weakness and don’t say you want to be like anyone. Be yourself.