As the race between the top executive to occupy white house continues between Donald Trump and Joe Biden with no clear winner yet. Vote counting has continued with Biden leading in results so far.
President Donald Trump has threatened to take legal action at the Supreme Court saying there are electoral and voter fraud while his counterpart has said he is on the path to victory.
Currently, the world is keenly watching to know who the new president of the United States would be but however, some has argued that President Trump might end up using a single term while others solidly thrown their weight behind him.

To win the election,it is expected to get 270 electoral college which is needed to win the white house while Biden is currently projected to win 224,Donald trump is also predicted to win 213 with 41 out of 50 States declared.
Joe Biden is contesting under the democrat while trump is of the Republican Party.
The people of Florida are currently rejoicing that trump would win looking at his excellent performance and he is so far projected to win 23 states including Texas and Ohio from outperformed pollsters’ predictions.
From all indications,it has showed that US is indeed a divided nation but the winner will surely be determined by the tens of millions of ballots yet to be counted.
Don’t forget that the outcome of this election will determine who occupies the office of the DG, World Trade Centre(WTO).