Yelutide Season: Protection of lives & Property Paramount

Yelutide Season: Protection of lives & Property Paramount  
  Another yelutide season is around the corner that activities of miscreants are on the rise . Thus, it is evident that Government needs to be reminded of it’s main duty which is the protection of lives and property .  
 Ember months is characterized by rise in ritual activities ,kidnapping,stealing by pretence ,incessant killings and all form of unlawful activities which December is usually the climax with the main aim of making money through dubious means .                                      

 At this time,many who are unable to meet their yearly target will seize the opportunity  of getting things done either by crook or by hook in order to attract society praise and attention.    
Here, the Government needs to empower the Nigeria Police Force in collaboration with the other law enforcement  agency to assist the Government in its major duty of protecting lives and property while the youths need to be discouraged from excessive use of bangers(Knock out) to scare Innocent ladies and deprive them of their belongings.                 

 Finally, I appeal to all  Nigerians and ladies particularly to be security conscious in this yelutide period. Season Greeting!                                                                                                       
  Tosin Adesile writes from Abeokuta.          

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