The Rising Youth Force in Nigeria

By Tosin Adesile

Nigeria has the largest economy in Africa with a vast population of 217,205,617 people. In 2021,its GDP remains the highest in Africa bigger than South Africa and other countries in the region.

The Youths represents 70% of the entire population and those that falls within this bracket are confronted with lots of challenges including unemployment which has pushed many to militancy, financial fraud, violent crimes, militancy and ritualism.

However,we have some other youths doing the nation proud through establishment of fintech companies,Start-ups and amazing businesses solving great issues.

Economically and psychologically,the precarious condition some youths find themselves in is very ridiculous despite the large available mineral resources in the country. We are in the midst of plenty and eating small.

As it stands, the country has continued to loose some of it’s best brains to other countries of the world all in search of better lives ABROAD,this is the popular rave,the JAPA syndrome.

According to the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics, general unemployment level in Nigeria stands at 33.3% while youth unemployment represents 42.5% which explains why many youths are angry at the country’s way of operation.

Many youths who ventured into entrepreneurship have given up as they have to generate power,provide security and pay tax to non-performing government to run their business which is killing business faster.

Banks are not ready to give loans and those who are trying to access got scared of big interest rate while charges to both the bank and the Federal Government is killing.

Nigeria’s foreign trade stood at billions with N7,100 for export and N5,901 as import which signifies that there is positive trade balance in Nigeria contrary to wrong figures being roled out by politicians in order to win elections.

Many business had since relocated to other countries due to lack of social amenities and infrastructure which has led to job loss.

The youths are frustrated and are tired of politicians recycling themselves only to regroup and loot.

Efforts by the youth to reclaim their land is the regrouping of the youth force currently waging war on social media but it doesn’t stop at that.

It is very crystal clear that today, good governance is not negotiable in Nigeria to whoever wins come 2023.

However,we should not forget in a hurry that in the past that we have been misled by those singing the song of religion,ethnicity and other obstacles to keep us dis-united till today.

This has continued to form conversations which is the major reason why the youth are saying competence before tribe or religion comes 2023.

Despite the old order,it is expedient for the political class to fear the youth movement. The movement that does not recognise royalty, position or tribe.

The movement that recognises only people who accept their message,others are tagged ‘arch-enemy”.

As 2023 Elections draws nearer,it is very expedient to note that no victor,no vanquished.

As the youths continue to build their organic structure,it is expected that lot of decorum is needed as they have been tagged “angry youths”.

An angry man cannot market a good product,it is important that the youths thread softly and engage in beneficial strategies to market their candidate without running down other candidates in the name of anger.

The voice of the people is the voice of God,2023 will be different even if the expected candidate does not win,the message will continue to linger in the mind of whoever wins that Nigeria now has a conscious and battle ready warriors interested in result and good governance.

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