By Faith Uchara
Gwagwa is situated in Abuja Municipal Area, FCT. Its geographical coordinates are 9° 5′ 19 North. 7° 19′ 11 East.

Gwagwa like every other community on the Municipal Area, Gwagwa is characterised by the lack of social amenities such as healthcare facilities, electricity, water and networks.
On several occasions, the residents of Gwagwa have called for the FCT administration’s attention to the dilapidating state of the road in this community.

Some of the residents spoke with Sparklightnews correspondent during a community development survey on Saturday, 27th February, 2021, said that the state of roads affect their social and economic well being in the area. And despite their cries to the Federal Government, no one has come to their rescue.
During the time of the survey, most residents refused to attend to the question because they feel that nothing will be done, after all. This has always been the case in time past.

Most shop owners in the community spoke sadly that the detoriating state of the roads has made most customers to avoid coming to the market.
One of the shop owners who refused to mention his name said that, it is even better now that it is dry season, unlike during rainy season.
“If it were during rainy season, you may not have been able to get here. During rainy season, people prefer to take the Kubwa expressway which is a very long distance to the city centre”
“Those of us who live and have our business here, during rainy season, people rarely come to patronise our business.
“To be candid, the road is really bad, and it has denied us of a lot of things, including business opportunities.
“That is why we are begging the government to come to our aid, and repair the road for us before rainy season.
“We have been coping with the dust, but when it comes to rain, we are helpless in that regards.
In as much as the issue of road and other social amenities in this community has even been in the front burner of successive administration, we believe that this time, this will attract the attention of the Federal Government.